Life Testimony And Encounter With Jesus That Transformed My Life

 Part 1

You say God is not real. You say He can't heal. I was severely bruised, bullied, framed, gaslighted, harassed, threatened, assaulted, traumatized, broken, tormented, abused, stalked by a few guys but God!! I had panick attacks, nausea, headaches, shortness of breath  chest pain, fear, anxiety, intrusive suicidal thoughts and even intrusive thoughts of getting killed. PTSD/CPTSD, anhedonia, depression, cuts from self harm and slashing my wrists and arms but God!! I should be dead from drinking diesel fuel since I was 1 but God!!  I should be dead from breaking my neck falling off a 6ft fence and landing on my head pick up my head but God!!  I should be dead when I choked on a chunk of meat when I couldn't breathe but God. I should be dead when I had when I had Scarlett feaver as a kid but God. I Should be dead when I was rushed to the emergency losing so much blood from knocking out my 2 front permanent teeth and almost swallowing them and many surgeries but God!! I should be dead when I fell down the long flight of stairs and rushed to the hospital but God.  I should be dead from cutting my arms slashing too close to my veins but God. I should be dead with attempting to act on my intrusive thoughts but God. Should be dead from car accidents but God. I should be dead when I fell on the ice and cracked my head open but God. I should be dead or possibly kidnapped when I ran away at 4 but God. And even as a mom today, I should be dead or possibly kidnapped when I was in a Walmart parking lot alone that particular time and a man was attempting to kidnap me walking faster towards me, towards my car but God!! And I escaped. So don't tell me God isn't real real because I wouldn't even be here then you're then my friend. Satan has been after me since I was a baby, My Prophetic writing, My purpose yes hes always been threatened bugattit's been threatened but God stepped in,  Protected me all the days Of my life and because of his grace I'm still breathing and alive the Holy Spirit encounter transformed my life.  He is real. It's all grace. Jesus loves you so repent and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.

October 29/22 

Shellz Marie @Jesus'Girl8188♡

Part 2 Testimony/Encounter With Jesus 

I don't usually go into depth or detail of the trauma I try 2 forget each day but u need 2 hear about my Jesus what my God can do how he makes a way. It's a story of hope in the trenches of defeat. It's the the comeback story how she defeated the enemy & Jesus redeemed. I was always 2 inside the box for some 2 outside the box 4 one. I was a bent puzzle piece that didn't quite fit no matter where I went. I was a flower vase with permanent bruises cuts scars and dents.. and obvious shatterdeness. I was the little runt in a kitty box on the street nobody wanted or would take. I was an invisible writer who drowned in my sorrow questioning my self worth everyday. Intrusive thoughts Well maybe If I was gone nobody would miss me anyway. I was a soul that was mocked envied hated 4 my faith trapped inside Satan's cage everytime I would I try 2 get up again 2 breathe 2 escape the demons would trample me crush me compress me tell me I'm worthless & Everyone thought I was ok. I was wrestling with a suicide & depression demons who would torment & tempt me. And I was holding on my by a thread losing my unraveling faith. I was a desperate soul screaming silently but nobody heard me. Darkness was day. I was fighting a battle I didn't know how 2 fight cuz nobody knew how 2 help me. Fog of heaviness, blizzard of pain. But the broken ones are His. God specializes in miracles & transforms what the devil did. God is a way maker. Just surrender & give your life your pain your heart 2 him. & watch God move and take a shattered vase & make it like new. Theyll all say What happened 2 you?? Yess!! ONLY What Jesus can do. ONLY His mercy & grace. He loves you he will never let u stay in the trenches of defeat. he will rescue you in the undertow of the silent cries of can't breathe somebody help me. Take u 2 the top of the mountain of victory. That's what God can do & your self worth is not what sum1 thinks of u. Your self worth is in Jesus Christ.. your identity is in the one who laid Down His life. Because he wanted you. So give him your life your heart your pain & He will show you what he can do with u. & I promise u you won't know what hit you. An encounter with Jesus changes everything Cuz when u touch the Hem of His garment u are made whole a shattered glass that is impossible 2 reverse & fix becomes new & unrecognizable.



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