Prophetic Word: Life And Death In The Power Of The Tongue

 This is for someone dear one. I heard in the spirit 2day there is life and death in the power of the tongue. Then I heard immediately, your words are seeds. So in fertile ground you're planting which one?? Many ppl are cursing their own selves and others by the words they are planting when they speak. And gossip is a word curse over someone's identity. Thankyou Holy Ghost. I kept seeing in the spirit many seeds that were planted in the ground on one row  and they were cursed as they came up and would unfold. it unraveled like an angry vine or piranha plant because of the tongue that blocked their blessings and brought forth a corrupt harvest on them. And then the other row their were seeds of life instead of death and those ppl were blessed. What you plant, a harvest comes forth depending which one. I then heard in the spirit Proverbs 18:21 Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. So be careful what you say my friend because your words are seeds and it shall bring forth a harvest thats it's either cursed or blessed.


Oct 17/22


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