Prophetic Word: Satan Is Trying 2 Abort And Miscarriage Whats Inside But God Is Blessing You With Mutiple Births At Birthing Time

 This is for someone dear one. I know its tough. You may be going through a growth stunt of falling apart, ready 2 give birth 2 a promise and then contractions stop. And you stop growing cuz of stillbirth. But God will intercede & say enough!! The enemy has been trying 2 abort of what's left inside. The enemy is on a mission of character assassination but dear one its birthing time!! And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet. You're in chaos and confusion through the spiritual sickness and birth pains, because There has been such a thieving attack from the enemy that is stealing your joy & killing your faith, but the devil will have 2 return 7fold what he stole under your feet. Many feel like they are in a season of stillbirth but they are about 2 see the tables slowly turn. The miracles, the supernatural hand of God, get ready 4 the blessings cuz you're about 2 be blessed with multiple births.




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