Prophetic Word: The Annointing Destroys The Yolk My Friend, It Frees U From Bondage & Sin Because There Is Liberty & Freedom Where The Spirit Of The Lord Is
This is for someone my friend. I saw in the Holy Spirit a pair of black nike runners that looked almost wrapped like a present, except it wasnt. It was one shoe tied to the other shoe tied in a knot like it was in bondage and stuck together and I saw the annointing, [the oil] that was rubbed on these shoes with annointed hands and just by rubbing the oil on them it broke the yolk and the shoes were untied and were free out of bondage and I heard the spirit of the Lord say The annointing destroys the yolk that keeps you in bondage and sin. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, there is freedom.[2Cor3:17] [Isaiah19:27] They envy your fearlessness because you're drinking from the cup they're afraid to drink from my beloved. They envy the chains that you're no longer in because they still have them because they only have a form of godliness. Help me Holy Ghost!! But baby, you don't have to stay in the chains of sin. You only have to surrender your heart of wickedness to get deliverance. You have to want to get out of them, you have to want to give up what keeps you in them. Thankyou Holy Spirit. You have to want to give up the desires of the flesh!! Whoo!! It's a relationship and the annointing of the Holy Ghost that breaks & destroys that yolk of sin & bondage.[Isaiah 19:27] My friend, you have to get desperate and madly In Love With God to willingly be obedient, you have to be so in love with Jesus so you want to die to your flesh. I don't know who this is for but baby, you will never give up your worldy desires of lust and the flesh if theres no annointing and it's only intellect & a form of godliness.
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