Prophetic Word: Every Tree Will Produce Its Own Kind, Just Because It Looks Pretty & Christ Like On The Outside Does Not Mean Its Good Fruit On The Inside

This is for someone beautifulz. Don't miss this revelation from the Holy Ghost. I heard in the spirit today If its a corrupt tree it will always produce its kind corrupt bitter fruit. So if you plant bitter seeds you're gonna get bitter fruit. When you plant pear seeds you aren't going to get an apple tree. However there's a lot of pears and apples out there that look dirty and rough and bruised in that tree but that doesn't mean its a bitter bad fruit Like the corrupt tree. See just because a fruit looks pretty help me Holy Ghost!! Whoo!! Does not mean it's not corrupt bitter fruit influenced by the enemy. Baby you gotta discern their fruit. You gotta test every spirit. Are they of God or the enemy. Not every apple and pear is going to wanna see you flourish out there in victory. Thankyou Holy Spirit. See baby I'm one of these rough bruised fell off a tree thrown around kinda fruit cuts and bruise. so get around good pears and apples that look rough and bruised on the outside cuz often that's where the character and nutrients hide and thats what your body should consume. The enemy will dress-up ugly pears and apples in nice clothes suits and ties to decieve what's really inside. Then I heard the Holy Spirit say every tree will produce its own kind. And the enemy will dress up a fruit so its tempting to bite, Whoo!! And when we eat and consume from them. We're really eating from a bitter tree that's poisonous inside. Thankyou Holy Ghost!! Like a bad apple with worms inside. No nutrients but it looks pretty from the outside.
Genesis 1:11 📖
Hebrew 12:15 📖
Luke 6:43-45 📖
Matthew 7:18 📖



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