Prophetic Word: I Am Very Well Known By Hell In The Spirit, Demons Tremble And Know I Am Dangerous Because Of The Annointing & Level Of Exousia Power & Dunamis

 I don't know who this is for, but becareful who you put your mouth on my friend. Because in the spirit, baby hell already knows who I am, my prayers are effective and I am well known in the spirit, casting demons out with deliverance, them demons tremblin saying watch out for this one this one is dangerous, yeah and the devil already took his best shot at me. Guess what!! He still couldn't kill me, He still couldn't block me, he still couldn't stop me, help me Holy Ghost!! he still couldn't cancel the annointing!! Baby it don't matter how hard the devil tries to hit, or what is said. he can't even cancel my dunamis my exousia, my power & authority!! [Romans 8:28][Luke 10:19] Devil Get out of my way cuz in the Name of Jesus I am dominating the earth filled with the Holy Ghost and unstoppable in my position my inheritance my rightful place.

Nov 9/22 


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