Prophetic Word: If You Cannot See It Before It Happens Then You Don't Believe, You Will Recieve What God Has 4 You 2 The Level Of Your Belief
This is for someone my friend. I heard in the spirit. I have more for you as you haven't even seen your whole inheritance yet. How much can you believe for my beloved. How big?? Because the level of your faith unlocks it. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Then I heard In the spirit there are big doors I have 4 u that u haven't even stepped in. Do you see it?? Faith is seeing it B4 it even happens & the gifts i put in u 2 prophesy, counsel, sing & write are gifts & dreams that come from God & aren't random. They are 4 my Kingdom purpose. Ppl will be blessed by it. Thankyou Holy Spirit. If u don't believe in the fullness of your blessing, your healing, your open door, u may not recieve what's available to you 2 receive more. Whoo!! Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. The money is in the account baby but u gotta have faith to take it out and recieve. What you will receive is based on the level of your belief. God knows what He has for you, all that He has for u but it will get released when u have the faith to recieve. Help me Holy Ghost!! God is just waiting on your level of faith to rise to recieve!! Come on somebody. Ohh I feel the annointing, God is just waiting on u 2 come 2 the place when you are fully prepared & ready!! Then I heard the spirit of The Lord say my beloved Do not plant doubt where you planted those faith seeds because all things are possible with God to those believe. Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible. The reason you witness miracles or see miracles when u pray my beloved is your level of faith & belief. You are faithful and u have the faith 2 recieve. I am getting things ready. Therefore do not doubt when you believe 4 big things 1 day. Just believe. I already knew what you would be asking 4 before the foundation of the world B4 u even prayed. Whoo!! Thankyou Holy Spirit. I don't know who this is 4 baby but maybe the reason you haven't recieved is because you can't see it because you don't believe.
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