Prophetic Word: Jesus Says Come Away W/ Me My Bride, Be Ready Like The 5 Wise, His Thoughts Toward U R More Than The Grains Of Sand & U R Always On His Mind
This is for someone my friend. I heard the spirit of the Lord say my thoughts toward you outnumber the grains of the sand my beloved. You are always on my mind, come away with me my precious bride. [Psalm 139:17][Rev22:17][John14:3] I don't know who this is for Luuvlehz. Are you ready for the marriage of supper of the lamb and meeting Jesus In the sky. Then immediately I heard In the spirit the parable of 5 foolish virgins and 5 wise.[Matthew25:1-13] 10 virgins await a bridegroom.[Christ] The 5 virgins who are prepared for the bridegroom's arrival get enough oil for their lamps while they wait, are rewarded and Jesus takes them with Him away. while the 5 who went to buy further oil miss the bridegroom's arrival and the door was closed on them because it was 2 late. Be prepared ready waiting watching and waiting and wise because King Jesus Is coming soon for His glorious church/kids/elect/bride. When the last one is in baby, Jesus will come like a thief in the night. [1Thess5:2-4] Repent, Get in quick before Jesus Christ closes the door.
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