Prophetic Word: Luuvleh, You Needed That Judas Kiss To Push You Into Your Destiny & Take You To The Next Place, Let God Heal Your Pain & Let Him Lead The Way

 I don't know who this is for but when the Holy Ghost drops something in my spirit and speaks to me, I start typing and obey. I keep hearing In the spirit the word betrayed and as I sought to seek the Lord's heart deeper I then heard the spirit of the Lord say. She needed that Judas kiss to push her into her destiny, to take her to the next place. I don't know who this is for my Luuvleh. but im just flowing in the Holy Ghost. Get up baby girl rise up push through the pain. The contractions are most intense the closer you birth your greatest blessing to elevate. The devils agenda is canceled and breaks today in Jesus Name!! I declare and prophesy in the Name of Jesus that Jesus binds up your wounds. You feel defeated and like its all over for you but your story is far from over because Jesus will finish what He started in you. You cant see it now, but God is making you new. He is developing you in the dark room. There it is again I hear it in the spirit again You needed that Judas kiss to push you in your destiny and take you to a new place, don't fight baby, just let Him lead the way. I prophesy In the Name of Jesus that you shall reap a harvest of joy for sowing many tears of pain. Recieve in Jesus Name🕊

Psalm 147:3📖
Psalm 126:5-6 📖


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