Prophetic Word: Process 2 Promise, Don't Let The Devil Get Into Your Head Because Your Best Days Are Ahead
I dont know who this is for my friend but Your blessed days are ahead. Don't let the devil get into your head. Dont let the devil tell you that what you had is missed. No baby Spirit is life, flesh Is death. What God is doing, dont miss it. Die to your flesh. Keep your head above the surface and remember the promise. We are going from glory to glory, faith to faith, process to promise and one day the rapture, the ressurection we'll meet Jesus. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Somebody needs this today. I heard in the spirit your best blessed days are ahead. I am upgrading your identity and influence will impact in every area of jurisdiction and like amnesia erasing the memories of pain. I am breaking off the spirit of insecurity and rejection and changing your name and They will no longer know you or identify you today because you're a spirit led, Holy ghost healed version today. from the war, battle scarred aging gracefully. Coming out of the war at the front lines no longer the same. Glory be to God. Your blessed days are ahead. I am restoring what the devil has stolen and blessing you with more when you least expect it. Your blessed days are ahead. I am blessing you for your sacrifice and your kind heart that many people abused. I am blessing you with upgrades, major doors and breakthroughs. [Haggai 2:9] Ecc.7:8 Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Process to promise, don't look back baby, keep going forward your blessed days are ahead.
@Jesus'Girl8188♡Nov 9/22
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