Prophetic Word: Some Things Need 2 Stay Dead And Away From You & Some Things Need Resuscitation But First You Gotta Get Out Of The Room

This is for someone my friend. I heard in the spirit resuscitation. If God can raise Lazarus up from the dead who was completely flatlined, completely dead then how much more you my friend who is spiritually dead. how much more can He reach in inside of u beautifulz in the operating room & bind up your wounds.[Psalm 147:3] & in the hospital when doctors resuscitate you, they remove everyone out of the room, they yell clear & make sure noones got their hands on u. Whoo!! God can take someone whose physically or spiritually dead raise them up again & make them like new. [Rev21:5]But sometimes it requires removing ppl out of the hosptial room, 2 hit clear reset boom!! Help me Holy Ghost. Sometimes it requires removing things out of the way 2 resuscitate with a shock when u come back new. & when u are in the same room when doctors are resuscitating someone and that electricity hits u instead that will harm you. & God is saying some things are dead and I aint resuscitating them. & u still holding on 2 them. Help me Holy Ghost. & God is yelling clear & I can't resuscitate some stuff til u get your hands off of them. Thanku Holy Spirit. God is in the process of reviving someone from unconsciousness or apparent death. Then I heard the spirit of the Lord say reset.[Isaiah 43:19]This is a reset season. I'm resuscitating them, I'm redeeming them but u gotta get out of the room. & u gotta let God remove them away from you. Let God move. I don't know who this is 4 baby but some things needs 2 stay dead & some things need resuscitation In the hosptial room but if God's going to resuscitate, it requires u 2 get out of the way and outta the room.



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