Prophetic Word: Watch The Company You Keep My Friend, Look What Happened With Eve & Satan In The Garden
This is for someone beautifulz. I heard in the spirit, bad company corrupts good morals and character like a rotten fruit contaminating good fruit. Thankyou Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. That word contaminate means poisonous or "not pure" it is now affected by the bad fruit and isn't the same anymore. Help me Holy Ghost!! When a good fruit is touched by a rotten fruit, it becomes one, it is affected by its company not pure containing something unclean mixed or impregnated with an extraneous and usually unwanted substance impure. Adulterated an impure chemical my friend. Watch that you don't let certain doors of the enemy open. He would love nothing more than to contaminate what's pure and then it becomes unclean and rotten to the core. Whoo!! Like the serpent [seed] contaminated, Satan and eve in the garden, the fall and then Cain was born.
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