Prophetic Word: If You're Contemplating Suicide, It's Not The Way 2 Go, Cry Out 2 Jesus & Say I Repent From My Sins, Save Me, Don't Let Go, Save My Soul
This is for someone my friend I heard in the spirit be vigilant, satan is on a rampage And then I heard in the spirit 1 Peter 5:8. I had a vision and saw many chairs in hotel rooms with blood all over them, and The Holy Ghost has been revealing to me that there is a spirit of suicide on the loose such as depression and assisted suicide in hospitals 2 depopulate and genocide. Depression is a spirit of death Luuvlehz. The devil is going over time like prey, so pray without ceasing because we are living the last days. Then I heard the spirit of the Lord say John 10:10 but do not be dismayed. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Jesus knows my heart has been breaking seeing so many ppl dying left and right, from genocide and suicide because it hits home for me knowing the demonic battle these ppl are facing inside. Ppl have no clue what its like til the spirit of death has gotten inside. The devil comes to steal kill and destroy that includes the agenda spirits of death of elite genocide, world wide abortion and spirit of suicide. Stay in the spirit constantly dying to your flesh my friend. Do not give the enemy an inch to come in. Becareful what you feed on and be vigilant. He is running out of time so he is getting desperate, but when you're filled with the Holy Spirit and pure and obedient, the devil doesn't stand a chance because you have a supernatural hedge of protection.[Isaiah 54:17] If you do not know Jesus, call out to Him now and get saved. Do not wait another day. Because God Is moving in amazing ways. We are living in the last days. I don't know who this is for baby but if you're contemplating suicide, it's not the way to go, cry out to Jesus and say I Repent from my sins, save me, don't let go, save my soul. I love you with the love of Jesus, stay strong cuz soon we're going home.
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