Prophetic Word: Just Like The Bamboo Tree, There Is Something Happening Behind The Scenes, God Is Doing A New Thing, The Question Is Do You Perceive
This is for someone one my friend. I saw in a vision bamboo producing canes, like tall bamboo sticks. I saw in the spirit a picture of someone walking through this Amazon rainforest with both arms up embracing the beauty of it, surrounded by bamboo trees and sticks and then it faded out in black & then I saw a picture of little bamboo shoots in the ground below the surface. But then saw seasons changing day night in fast motion appearing 2 move faster for 5 years first & saw numbers every time it was a new year & these little bamboo shoots & after 5 years it shot out of the ground 90 feet tall in 5 weeks growing towards maturity persevered. Help me Holy Ghost!! & then I heard in the spirit. You can't see what's going on behind the scenes like the bamboo tree but after 5 years of being established it shot up 90 feet. I am doing a new thing. Do u not perceive?[Isaiah 43:19] Baby I don't know this is for but just because it seems like nothing is happening does not mean that God is not doing a new thing in u & your life behind the scenes. Do not go by what u see. Then I heard in the spirit Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. You cannot see what is happening just like my vision of years passing by & then out of nowhere 5 years later, the bamboo tree shot up to 90 feet in 5 weeks. You will catch up where theres been delay from the enemy. God will catapult you when you're established and you will reach heights you've never been. You will go to higher dimensions. [2Cor3:18] I don't know who this is for baby, yes God is doing a new thing the challenge is & the question is do you perceive.
Dec 25/22
Merry Christmas Beautifulz and A Blessed Happy New Year 2023 to all my followers. If this has been a hard year for you my Luuvlehz, I prophesy over you in the Name of Jesus that this will be the year of healing and binding up wounds and your mourning turned into dancing becoming like new. I love you with the love of Jesus and I'm cheering for you. Keep pressing on & running & finishing the race, keep fighting the Good fight of faith.
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