Prophetic Word: Lean Not On Your Own Understanding When God Takes You Another Direction, Trust His Plan 2 Restore Time & Loss & Lean On Him

This is for someone my friend. I heard in the spirit trust my timing, [Ecc3:1-11] trust me and lean not on your own understanding [Proverbs3:5] Then i heard it again. Do you feel like you've loss time, loss seasons, are you disappointed with your life. Then I heard in the spirit Joel 2:25 and I The Lord will redeem loss time. I The Lord will restore what was loss when the timing is right. I don't know who this is 4 but you're having a hard time grieving what was loss, and loss time. You're convinced that your glory years [youth] were your former rather than latter and you want to go back in time. When I'm stopped at a streetlight, I don't have 2 worry luv that I'll be sitting there forever at the red light, I don't understand how they work, I just trust that it will turn into a green light when the time is right. God will redeem time. Who am I speaking 2 my friend. Trust God cuz he has a plan. Trust God because His plans are perfect. Trust God because every season is 4 a purpose but u will never be forgotten or forsaken. Thankyou Holy Spirit. U may not understand, u may not comprehend why things happen, why storm distruptions, u may not get why God is allowing certain chapters 2 end. But i keep hearing "Trust Him". Maybe you pursued a career & now u want out of it. You may even have irreversible regrets & waiting 4 opportunities 2 come full circle again. You may not understand why God is taking u a completely different direction. speak Holy Ghost!! You may not understand baby but u must trust Him. God is not finished. God is just getting started. God breaks yolks & bondage, but he does not break a promise. God is giving u deliverance, redemption and an expected end. I don't know who this is 4 baby but I have 2 be obedient this is 4 someone & I keep hearing trust him in the spirit. Don't even try 2 comprehend. Lean not on your own understanding & just Trust God and lean on Him. 




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