Prophetic Word: Maybe The Airplane At The Airport Is Delayed Because You Need A Spiritual Update

This is for someone my luuvlehz. I heard In the spirit today spirtual update. My phone and laptop needed a couple updates for while now and because of my work, and busy mom schedule I would always click remind me later instead of that actual day. I don't know who this is for but when was the last time you fasted and prayed. The Holy Spirit is saying the reason your blessings are delayed is because you need a spiritual update. Help me Holy Ghost!! At the airport the plane is delayed because you need a spiritual update to turn from your wicked ways .You need your sins and iniquity washed away. You need to update your laptop and phone but you keep putting it off maybe later and wait. Whoo!! You need to come into alignment to break the delays. Thank-you Holy Spirit. You need to walk in His ways. I dont know who this is for baby but you need to check your laptop and phone today, maybe the reason the plane is delayed is because you need a spirtual update. 

Revelation 21:4 📖  

Isaiah 43:19 📖 Phillipians 3:14 📖




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