Prophetic Word: A Tiny Bit Of Sin Is Like A Tiny Speck In Your Clothing Poking Your Skin, It Will Affect Your Relationship With God & U Wont Be Able 2 Function Because You're Seperated From Him

 This is for someone beautifulz. Something kept poking me inside my clothes and when I finally found it, it was the tiniest piece of something that almost felt like a wood speck. It was scratching my skin. It was small but it felt like a sharp object & even though it was small it was affecting me like I couldn't even function til I found it & I heard the spirit of the Lord say my beloved this is what happens when even if its a tiny bit of sin, that creeps in and is stuck in your clothes & until its gone, it starts 2 affect your walk & relationship. Help me Holy Ghost!! I dont know who is 4 baby but A real born again should never practice sin which is lawlessness.[1John5:18] A real born again has no desire to and when tempted, they will resist. It's the annointing and power of the Holy Ghost that keeps you locked in & you're able to resist. A real born again examines & removes themselves from it. Dying to your flesh is a battle and it takes discipline, obedience commitment & the Holy Spirit. But if you're spirtually mature, you will still do it because your enemy is your flesh & u gotta get your flesh into submission & stay in the spirit. Because obedience is better than sacrifice.[1Samuel15:22] and Christ not only came 2 take away the guilt of sin, but He broke sin's power so that the believer need not live under its dominion.[Numbers 14:18] and 1John1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I don't know who this is for baby but until u remove that little sin, it will affect your relationship with God & u won't be able 2 function, it will only be harder to get out of sin because now your sin & iniquity seperates you from him & you won't be able to by yourself because the annointing [Acts1:8] breaks the yolk of sin & it takes the power of the Holy Spirit.



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