Prophetic Word: When U Go Outside Of God's Will & Marry Someone When U Already 2 Someone Else Soul Tied & Soul Knit, In God's Eyes U Practically Shacked Up & Don't Expect It 2 Last & Don't Expect God 2 Bless It
Common law marriage/ legally married?? Oh please The Holy Ghost revealed to me when you go outside of His will baby, through his eyes you're practically shacked up you ain't even married in his eyes. Going out of God's will is a disgrace. So don't expect it to last cuz it's not equally yoked or from him Luuvlehz. When it's a counterfeit, youll know it. Because youre already joined to someone else and soul knit. Help me Holy Spirit!! 1Cor6:16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. A soul that is soul knit like David and Jonathan.[1Samuel20:17] Don't expect your plans to work out when you ask God to bless it. when it's God ordained it won't fail but if it's not God's will, it usually ends or goes down hill. And lust and soul ties. Oh you guyzzz. When you pray for God's will baby, don't be surprised when God removes ppl forever entirely out of your life. Remove the veil from your eyes.
Psalm 27:2 |Psalm 31:15
Psalm 59 |Psalm 143:12
Ecc4:12 | Jeremiah17:9 |1Cor6:16
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