Prophetic Word: Your Light Will Go 2 Nations My Beloved, A City On A Hill Cannot Be Hid, No More Hiding Your Light & Acting Invisible And Going Unnoticed

This is for someone my friend. I heard in the spirit. You are the light of the world and A city on a hill cannot be hid.[Matthew5:14] That light hidden 4 so long Is coming out amongst them. Then I heard in the spirit, u are done hiding your talents & gifts 2 prevent jealously & resentment. This is bigger than u, when u see what comes next. elevation, abundance. I change the times & seasons [Daniel2:21][John10:10] I'm bringing nations 2 your light.[Isaiah 60:3] Gifts are being exposed 2 bring more ppl in, no more hiding, Like Queen Esther, it is time. ppl will resent but I will deal with them.[Romans12:19] You are done hiding behind the scenes in the shadows hiding your light. It is time 2 rise. I know you would rather be invisible beloved but no more being overlooked & going unnoticed. You are carrying my glory for my kingdom. You will rise. You are set apart and chosen. You stand out for a purpose. Thankyou Holy Spirit. You are done hiding behind the scenes of others my beloved. You are done hiding behind someone else. I chose you & you are called for my purpose. You are done hiding. I want you 2 walk in kingdom dominion. You are a royal priesthood. You are going 2 another higher dimension. Keep going. I am taking you from the backseat & moving you 2 the driver seat. This is bigger than you. You will impact the earth greatly with me. I am moving & doing a new thing.[Isaiah 43:19] I am calling u 2 come higher w/ me. Oh my luuvs, who is this for suddenly??baby, for as long as I can remember the enemy would fight me every inch of the way the closer I got 2 my calling. I was always the girl who wanted to be invisible & unnoticed, attacks left and right since the beginning to try to take me off the scene. But God is faithful & had a plan and the weapons did not succeed and a woman who became an agressive queen taking her position of power and authority and intercession for God's ppl baby, pushing back the darkness without ceasing going 2 war at the frontlines everyday in the spirit with the enemy. 




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