Prophetic Word: Become Whole Again, Stretch Out Your Arm & Reach Out Your Hand & Touch The Hem Of Jesus' Garment

 This is for someone my friend. I keep hearing in the spirit stretch forth your arm & reach out your hand. And then I went into a vision & kept seeing a picture of someone crawling on the ground in the spirit in a very low place & bad condition and it repeated again, and I heard alot of loud mumbled chattering in the crowds in the vision but this person just like the woman with the blood issue did not stop reaching 4 Jesus until they touched the hem of His garment. This is prophetic 4 someone in this moment. Do not give up, Keep reaching 4 Jesus til u touch the Hem of His garment. Til Jesus heals your condition from the demonic assassins, til Jesus heals you & changes your direction. Keep reaching for Him. One touch from Jesus can change the whole entire health condition. One touch from Jesus can bring deliverance. One touch from Jesus can change situations. Who am I talking 2 my friend. You're at the end of your rope, like the woman with the blood issue who got desperate & determined. You're bleeding not physically like her but everywhere mentally in your heart & feel like you're defeated. You know you need Jesus but you're having a hard time surrendering 2 his plan & reaching 4 Him. You're having a hard time believing 4 healing & you're in the crowds acting like u got it all together but you're secretly in a battle low battling demons. Come on somebody. Like the woman with the blood issue, you know it's hopeless & you know u need Jesus. & Jesus felt the virtue power leave his body & asked who touched him. And he said your faith has made u whole when she touched the hem of His garment.[Luke8:46-48] I prophesy that will be u whatever condition. I don't know who this is 4 baby but if this resonates with your spirit in this moment, stretch out your arm & reach out your hand & take a risk like the woman did & touch the Hem of His garment & become whole again in the Name of Jesus. 




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