Prophetic Word: The Beginning Of Sorrows, Stay Vigilant, Stay Close 2 Him, Do Not Focus On What's Coming Beloved

 This is for someone my friend. When I woke up I heard in the spirit mens hearts are failing them for fear, the powers of heaven will be shaken. Do not focus on what's coming on the earth my beloved. I told you, this is the beginning of sorrows, stay vigilant. There will be another pandemic luuvs, just stay close 2 Him, just stay vigilant.[1Peter5:8] I felt this "something is coming" in my spirit for months & its not small my friend. I saw a picture in the spirit of thousands of ppl running around a city in fear running frantic and heard screaming everything was being shaken. Hear me by the spirit of God my friend, start soul searching because without a relationship with Jesus you will perish. Amazon in london has just created a store of no cashiers, no paying, no till, you scan your app card at the gate & walk in, take what you want, 2 walk out, scan the card again they send you the reciept by email my friend. [Rev13:16-17] They are grooming, NWO is coming. So is Rapture and Great Tribulation. 2020 was nothing yet compared to what's coming next. Satan's not wasting the little time he has left. But don't lose your faith my beloved. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Storms and Bible prophecy are coming 2 pass. Stay close to me and stay vigilant. Luke21:26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. I don't know who this is for baby but the powers of heaven will be shaken, and time is running out quick racing to the end. so get on the boat of salvation luuvs. [Romans10:13| Eph2:8-9] I Iove you with the love of Jesus.



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