Prophetic Word: The Folded Napkin Meant Im Coming Back 2 Snatch My Queen Away, 2 Take My Queen Home One Day
This is for someone my friend. I heard In the spirit. I am the life and the ressurection and then I heard it again [John11:25] and I went into a vision and saw a picture of Jesus folding a white napkin and then ascend. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Why did Jesus fold the napkin my friend.[John20:7] Why didn't he just toss it on the floor with the grave clothes in the coffin. In Hebrew tradition, every Jewish boy knew this. The folded napkin had to do with the master and servant. Baby catch this. The table was perfectly furnished. The servant set the dinner table 4 His master exactly the way He wanted it. & then the servant would wait until the master was done eating & finished. Now if the master was finished eating, he would rise whoo!! wad up the napkin & toss it onto the table my friend. The servant would then know when it was ok 2 clear the table because the wadded napkin meant I’m finished. Help me Holy Ghost!! But if the master got up from the table & folded his napkin & laid it beside his plate, the servant would not dare touch the table because the folded napkin meant, I'm coming back!! Then I heard in the spirit I'm coming for my queen at ressurection. At the rapture/harpazo at the catching away. I don't know who this is for baby but the world is coming 2 an end. we are living in the last days, the neatly folded napkin. Whoo!! King Jesus is coming. So make sure you seek him before the closed door of grace. & get saved. Get ready 2 fly away because King Jesus is coming back like a thief in the night snatching his queen home one day.
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