Prophetic Word: Healing Is 4 The Children's Bread My Beloved, Not An Identification Living Defeated In A Spirit Of Fear & Rejection

This is for someone my friend. I heard in the spirit healing is for the children's bread[Mattew15:26] & then I heard 2Timothy1:7. Who am I speaking 2 my friend. You didnt even know that through a spirit of fear, an identity was coming out of the evil spirit of deadly opression & traumatic events taking on an unhealed version but A healed child of God is your real identification & healing is your portion, healing is 4 the children's bread. You were not called & destined 2 live a life of fear & defeated. You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Speak Holy Ghost!! You didn't even know that trauma is a spirit of fear and rejection that was holding on to you in bondage so Satan could keep you in chains in a prison in a cage, in a hopeless situation. You didn't even know that Satan will use ptsd trauma, drug & cutting addictions & spirits of fear & rejection so you break and never elevate. Speak Lord. Because if the devil knows he can get you so caught up in fear & chains, he knows you will stay stuck and stagnate & break faith cuz fear is an intelligent spirit that always wants to stay. But baby you cant just rebuke it, you cant just ask it 2 leave ok, or it won't, you gotta command it to leave in Jesus Name. Speak Holy Ghost!! You can choose to stay in a low place or rise & elevate. Someone needs this today the devil will try 2 tell you lies that you'll always stay In that low place. I don't know who this Is 4 baby, are you numb & paralyzed by the devils mind games. Are you in a low place. Is fear & rejection leading you luuvs or unwavering faith because what you're led by will determine whether you worry or whether you pray. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.[James 1:8] And you're either led by fear or faith but what you're led by baby will determine where you go & where you'll stay.



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