Prophetic Word: Its Easiest 2 Kill A King Or Queen When It Is An Seed Form As Infancy, Thats Why Satan Went After King Jesus In Infant Form Even As Baby
This is for someone my luuvlehz. I went into a vision & saw in the spirit today a picture of someone planting a seed secretly in fertile ground while it rained then covering it up with dirt, watering it with faith. But then she left, ran away & came back the next day, & it didn't come up right away so she pulled it out of the dirt & threw it away. She wanted results right away. So she planted another seed in faith & would decide 2 wait. Because seeds take time 2 grow out of the ground & break. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Then I saw in the spirit, a different girl who had a spirit of hate, watching the young girl planting this seed in secret but she planned 2 pull the seed out of the dirt that day & she did not succeed & then the girl in the vision faded away.[Isaiah 54:17] & then I heard the spirit of the Lord say its easier 2 kill a king or queen in infant form when it is a seed. Just like how Herod planned to kill Jesus as a baby, when he orderd all the baby boys 2 be killed because of the agenda of the enemy. [Matthew2:16] Satan will go after something in infant form as a seed because he knows it's easiest 2 kill b4 the seed breaks out of the ground & reaches its destiny. Speak Holy Ghost!! Like the abortions world wide innocent babies die after they are concieved. The devil will try to kill it b4 it is even born or infancy. Who am I talking 2my friend. When a seed is covered by the dirt, it is actually being established & protected. When a baby is in a uterus, it is covered & protected & the enemy will go after it. Speak Holy Ghost. When a seed is below the grounds surface my beloved, it is dark it is established it is isolated in a growth process. I don't know who this is 4 baby, Ppl will see the seed when it breaks through the grounds surface & the enemy cannot stop it, But until it is ready you have to keep watering it with faith & keep it covered & protected.
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