Prophetic Word: Pray 4 Those Who Applauded Your Crucifixion, Jesus Said Father Forgive Them & Then After Death Came Ressurection

Im hearing something in the spirit. No baby girl you don't have to let them have access to you ever again. Hear me by the spirit of God my friend. They enjoyed watching your crucifixion. Speak Holy Spirit. They actually enjoyed it. so why on earth would you let them back in again. Speak Holy Ghost. Pray for them and love them from a distance but God is saying baby stay away from them.[Romans12:19] They applauded you on stage at your coronation and when the devil came into them, speak Holy Spirit. God exposed the have 2 be in control jezebel judas betrayl darkness spirit in them and you found out quickly they weren't your true friends when they applauded your beheading, when they applauded your crucifixion. Thankyou Holy Spirit They may have have thought they gotten away with it [Isaiah 54:17] but baby God is still in the ressurecting business. And they will have 2 watch you be blessed  next season [ Psalm23:5-6] and Jesus will crown you a queen baby of redemption & greatness when he breathes new life into you again and the enemies that thought you were broken, who watched your crucifixion will see for themselves how radiant and blessed and beautiful you have become when you rise again at ressurection. And they won't know what hit them. 

Matthew 10:14  | Isaiah 44:22 | Psalm111:9




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