Prophetic Word: Satan Deceives The Whole World & Ppl Cant Even See It Cuz The Devil Has Blinded Them With His Satanic Religious Matrix
This is for someone my friend. I keep hearing 3 things in the spirit. Satan decieves the whole world.[Rev12:9]He is the god of this world [ small g] that has blinded them.[2Cor4:4]& be not conformed by this world.[Romans12:2] Read all of them. Stay in holiness luuvs Depart from wickedness. Thanku Holy Spirit. Who am I talking 2 my friend, the world is a satanic matrix & you're being brainwashed & decieved & don't even know it. What do I mean by that. He controls the ['ments] & ppl R wicked in power who want u 2 b ignorant & conform like them. 4 ex. transhumanism. You're being manipulated. Thanku Holy Spirit. But hears the truth my friend. This World is coming 2 an end.& the world is in deception by the 1 who is prince of the air of this planet. We don't fight flesh & blood[Eph6:12] So catch this revelation baby. Why are things based on the water like ur$ referred 2 current[sea] & why does almost every ship have a female name, like a vessel of the military.& when u offload it off the dock it's called a birth kinda like the "water"breaks & you're birthed at a hospital & then ur given 2 a [dock]-tor. Come on somebody. This world is not r home. U in a matrix & don't even know it. Then ur handed ur citizen[ship]& goes w/ whole financial system.& 2 take out ur money u go 2 the river bank my friend 2 direct the flow of the current. Cash flow 2 the banks & if you want 2 spend or invest they need 2 make sure all you assets r liquid. They refer us 2 dead entities like frozen assets. So u have [frozen] cold hard cash at the [cash]ier where $ is buried, hidden burying a money box & is it a coincidence that they bury u in a box in the end when ur dead. You awake each morning what's a wake ya know a celebration of someone who just died or passed away the other day. Then u go 2 work 2 earn a paycheck again what's an urn ya know ashes of someone whose dead. & then u go 2 work [weak] days & by the [weak]end u r half dead. Like slavery convenient. & then the next day u like 2 say good morning but what exactly r u [mourn]ing. & then u go 2 ur job again its not like job means persecuted in hebrew or anything. You're being manipulated. Thanku Holy Spirit. I don't know who this is 4 baby but the world is not what it seems my friend. The devil decieves the whole world with his manipulation & deception.
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