Prophetic Word: Be Careful Who You Let Get Close 2 You, Because Toxicity, Uncleaness & Contamination Of Bad Fruit Would Destroy Good Fruit
This is for someone my friend. I had a couple bad apples in one of the bags that were rotten. So I knew this Word was 4 someone because when I saw it, I heard in the spirit. What happens beloved when a bad apple is in the company of good fruit. Pretty soon that good fruit is affected & contaminated and rotten 2.[1Cor15:33] The Holy Spirit is saying today becareful who you let get close 2 you. Not everyone is good fruit they are pretending 2 be 2 get close 2 you. But toxicity & contamination will destroy that good fruit so be careful who you let get close 2 you. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is this for my friend. You've given ppl so many chances to get right and they still take you for granted & still stay toxic. You love a certain fruit, they catch your eye, they won your heart, you love that kind but they are still toxic and not healthy for your consumption and life.[Matthew7:16-20]You can still be in love with them but that does not mean its good for your consumption. They want you for their own selves & possession 4 satisfaction cuz you look tasty 2 them but they dont know your worth if you're still their second option. Speak Holy Spirit. You love them but u gotta stay away from them or u 2 will become unclean & contaminated. Speak Holy Spirit. You still love them & wish they could be in your life when the door soon opens in changing times [Daniel2:21] God says they already had their chance & didn't appreciate or know your worth because this fruit is a queen, chosen & rare kind. This fruit isn't what everybody likes because this fruit is the chosen one that the rest of them resent & despise. Speak Holy Spirit. They didn't know what you carried inside. They didn't know your value and worth God would hide. Speak Holy Spirit. So now that God is revealing that you are the chosen one my friend now ppl suddenly want you back, want u 2 come back 2 them cuz you have reached elevation but deep down inside they're still weighing their options when the door soon opens & you are not number one 2 them. Speak Holy Spirit. & when a different fruit comes along they will devalue & discard you again & your pure heart still in love with them will only get hurt again if you take them back again. Speak Holy Spirit. Don't tolerate disrespect again. I don't know who this is 4 baby but you'll know them by their fruits so be vigilant observe them.[Matthew7:20] Because God knows every hidden thought & motive. Trust his wisdom. You can still love them from a distance but baby be vigilant when doors open again. You may have 2 deal with it one last time again yet. Don't trust words watch actions because actions speak louder than words with them. You're a rare queen and they know it. Use discernment. Not every fruit is toxic but not every fruit deserves you again. & they would hinder your kingdom purpose. There are some fruit out there that only want 2 get close 2 you again because of your elevation, because they only like that cute fruit's figure & appearance & not the soul of gorgeousness & what's on the inside of them.
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