Prophetic Word: Becareful What You Trade & Which Decisions U Make When The Weak Flesh Dominates & She Takes Your Breath Away
This is for someone my friend. It's actually kinda funny & unexpected cuz I like I said, I don't watch Disney anymore but lately Abba has been talking 2 me through visions of them. Disney analogies ohh father u make me laugh & their so sudden. So expect more of them my beloved. I know its definitely 4 the ones who do, old, young & younger generation because this ministry is prophetic & God will use anything 2 reach them. Because what Satan will use 4 evil, God will use 4 good beloved. Anyways I just heard in the spirit. Just like Ariel who traded her beautiful voice for legs from ursula the sea witch 2 be human & meet the prince. If you gained the whole world but u had 2 sell your soul 4 it, would it be worth it beloved.[Mark8:36] So my Abba daddy knows I love 2 sing day & night 4 him but I would not trade my voice, my gifts or my soul for anything like fame or riches. I don't know who this is 4 baby but becareful when the enemy comes in cuz just like Ariel she let her feelings & emotions come in & dominate the flesh & did it out of rebellion & spells & witchcraft because she had 2 have it. Speak Holy Spirit. Because the deal she made with the witch meant the witch would try 2 attempt before the 3rd day 4 her 2 lose all of it, her voice & her prince. Speak Holy Spirit cuz u see my friend when something is from Satan or divination, he steals & doesn't play fair when u make a deal with him.[Matthew16:26] but When it's from God my beloved & ordained & predestinated, baby he will give u both in abundance, you just gotta have patience & if it's not approved by Him, just let go of it. Ariels voice is beautiful but there was a sacrifice & price to pay 4 this prince. Ask yourself Ariel yeah hes cute & handsome but do you really need him. and ask yourself prince Eric, yeah she's beautiful & her voice on the sand takes away your breath, but is she really worth all of it. Speak Holy Spirit. I dont know who this is 4 baby but when you're in love with someone, it's like being on a drug of adrenaline & you're more likely to lust after them & fall into temptation. So becareful luuvs because the devil knows your weakness & when the weak flesh dominates, dreams & imaginations get carried away, your heart starts 2 race & impulsive bad decisions are made the next time you see her & she takes your breath away.
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