Prophetic Word: Beloved I Am Giving You A New Name 4 U Are A Carrier Of My Grace, I Am Giving U A New Garment Of Praise

 This is for someone my friend. I keep hearing in the spirit. I'm giving you a new garment. A new garment of honor and redemption. I am giving you a new name for you are a carrier a of my grace. I am giving you a new garment of praise. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is this for my friend. When Saul changed, he became Paul and God changed his name.[Acts13:9] He no longer identified with the name of disgrace. My God speak Holy Spirit. Jabez was more honorable than his brothers and although his mother gave birth in sorrow and named him Jabez which meant pain, God changed his future after Jabez would seek the God of Israel and pray. Jabez was humble and he had faith. He didn't let his name define him or his future or place, he trusted God for his destiny 2 change. Speak Holy Spirit. Names are also a big deal to God my friend.[Gen17:5] This is why we see God change names like Simon 2 Peter and Abram 2 Abraham. Speak Holy Spirit. God changed Jacob's name 2 Israel meaning let God prevail. God then promised Israel that all the blessings that had been pronounced upon Abraham's head would also be his. Speak Holy Spirit. Esther an ordinary girl and God changed her name 2 queen Esther who found favor with the king & he loved her more than any other woman & in his sight she obtained favor and kindness.[Esther2:17] I don't know who this is for baby but if the devil has been trying to murder your name with gossip & lies 2 lable it disgrace, God is about 2 change your name 2 a queen of grace and clothe you with a crown of honor and garment of praise because you are a carrier of His grace.




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