Prophetic Word: Prepare 4 It!! The Wilderness Season Is Coming 2 An End, Start Preparing 4 Your Promised Land
This is for someone my friend. I keep hearing in the spirit. Prepare beloved. Prepare for what you're praying for because the wildnerness is coming 2 an end. Prepare because this season is expiring and you will possess what's rightfully yours and your promised land.[Deuteronomy 26:9]Thanku Holy Spirit. Then I heard in the spirit a land flowing with milk and honey beloved. You will laugh again. Who is this for my friend. Your crying is coming 2 an end. Stay in prayer for what you're waiting for in patience & stay diligent and consistent. Dry your tears, greater is coming Prepare for it. He's coming she's coming its coming prepare for it I keep hearing prepare 4 it!!!! Ask God to prepare you and improve things in you that need improving to see it, 2 step into your promise. Speak Holy Spirit. Prepare because you will wake up one day overwhelmed because it will all suddenly happen when you least expect it and it will make your head swim.[Amos9:13] Prepare because it's coming and you've been waiting 4 so long becoming hopeless that when it does happen you won't know what to do and how to be ready 4 it or in panick mode cuz you're dominating in your flesh and not the spirit. Speak Holy Ghost. I dont know who this is 4 baby but now is not the time to hold back. Get ready 4 it. Seek God with diligence and prepare for it because God is already preparing for you what you cried about in secret and longing 4 in your spirit. He heard your righteous cry beloved. Say hi soon to your promised land and goodbye 2 the wildnerness. Because its coming when you least expect it.
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