Prophetic Word: There Are Rooms & Realms Coming Yet Beloved & Like Abraham I Will Make Your Name Great & I Will Make You A Great Nation

 This is for someone my friend. I heard in the spirit there are realms and and rooms you haven't even been in yet and Iike Abraham, I will make your name great and I will make you a great nation and your children will be blessed and the ppl connected to you will be affected. [Genesis12:1-3]Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is this for my friend. There are houses and land that are predestinated for you to go to like Abraham. There are places and assignments God has ordained for you 2 do because nobody else has your same annointing to do them. Like you do. Speak Holy Spirit. The devil tried to make you small and meaningless and muddy your name and tarnish it but the spirit of The Lord is saying. I will ressurect you from the dead. I will make your name great again. The ppl who threw you away will be humbled when they need you unexpected. They will wish they treated you different. But you are their hard lesson. Speak Holy Spirit. A hard lesson that you should always be careful who you dismiss and how you treat them because you don't know who God will use and their status in the spirit. God will often hide someone's value from them luuv becasue often he will test someone's character with it. Speak Holy Spirit. The devil thought he had the upperhand trying to destroy what God annointed since birth for such a time as this. But the path that was so hard was not in vain and it had a purpose. The bigger attacks like David they wanted him dead. The bigger the destiny God has planned that will surprise them. Thankyou Holy Spirit. I don't know who this is for baby but the devil messed with the wrong one this time and went to far with it, and now comes the reward and double for your trouble Isaiah 61:7 for your perseverance and faithfulness and God is making your name great again. This isn't the new you my beloved,  this has always been you who I knew and who I created before the foundation of the world. Jeremiah1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. And like Abraham I will make your name great and I will make you a great nation.



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