Prophetic Word: This Is No Longer Your Address So U Can't Get In, Pack Your Bags Cuz You're Moving 2 A New Address Called Breakthrough & Higher Dimension

 This is for someone my friend. When I woke up, I went into a vision and saw in the spirit a picture of someone standing at a door who had a keychain of many keys trying 2 unlock it & open, and because it wouldn't open, there was confusion and this person started 2 panick because each key this person tried, the door was still locked and they couldn't get in. because the old key was expired when the door and lock was changed & upgraded so the person just left and the vision ended. And then I heard in the spirit. I am closing the old door[Isaiah 22:22]this is no longer your address, I am giving you new keys to your new house where you will reside and live in a different dimension.[Isaiah 43:19] I am moving you into the place I have ordained for you 2 be in. Ppl that are waiting for someone like you who is a blessing 2 them. They need you to go to the next level and dimension. Whoo!! The new keys represent new beginnings & new doors [Rev3:8] Thankyou Holy Spirit. The new house represents new address & God is doing a new thing.[Isaiah43:19] I don't know who this is for baby but God is closing old chapters and taking you higher with Him, so pack your bags, belongings & possessions & get ready cuz you're moving 2 a new address called breakthrough and higher dimension.



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