Prophetic Word: You Don't Know You Were Created In My Image Because You Identify With Doctrines Of Demons
This is for someone my friend. I just heard in the spirit. The enemy has the blinders on them[2Cor4:4] because they dont even know that they were created in my image.[Gen1:27] Speak Holy Spirit. I keep seeing in the spirit. 3 ppl sitting at a round table who are lost and playing with tarot cards and demons of doctrines looking to it for worth identity and validation. Speak Holy Spirit. Who is this for baby. You look 2 New Age, horoscopes and tarot cards and Astrology because you don't know who you really are so you look outside of God for your identity. Speak Holy Spirit. Because it comforts you and you want 2 fill the void of feeling empty because without God, you are lost & don't even know that you are decieved. Speak Holy Spirit. You were created in God's image but you don't even know it til you recieve salvation and get 2 know him. Satan will distort your image & he will try 2 get you identify with your past or his doctrines of demons. You're this and you're that 2 distort your image the doctrines of devils and seducing spirits[1Timothy4:1] and words have power and soon it becomes curses that are active. Speak Holy Spirit because it opens the door for demons. It gives them permission. I don't know who this is 4 baby but you don't even know you're actually created in God's image because you identify with Satan's doctrines of demons.
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