Prophetic Word: As You Reach 4 Greatness, Beloved, I Am Crowning Your Head, With A Crown Of Life, Honor, Glory & Redemption

 This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision & saw in the spirit a royal crown sitting on a luxurious pillow of gems & the crown was rotating slowly & as it was going around, the diamonds in it would sparkle & shimmer so mesmerizing & raidiant. & then I heard in the spirit. Crown of life.[James1:12] Beloved I am crowning your head with honor & glory 4 walking in humility [Proverb22:4] following after mercy after righteousness.[Proverb21:21]Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is this for my friend. Ppl may not see what God sees like a hearts posture behind the scenes but He sees & he is full of love, compassion & mercy. Ppl may never know u endured a level of brokenness that led 2 sin & overcame temptation & now when u recieve a crown 4 it, they don't think u deserve it.[Proverb16:7]My God Speak Holy Spirit Cuz the pharisees will trap & accuse u of sin when they have sinned [Romans3:23] but they're righteous when they do, then condemn u 4 it.[John 8:7] Speak Holy Spirit. Ppl may put their mouth on u & not see what u do 4 the Kingdom in secret, under the annointing, interceding, fasting praying, pouring wisdom, casting demons out of them, but He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.[Hebrews11:6] Speak Holy Spirit. Ppl may never know all the details of your testimony & tears u cried & some of the frightening scenes like a movie but God saw the battle was bloody, he saw it all & he saw your integrity character & humility.  [Psalm56:8-9].Speak Holy Spirit. & u didnt let that stop u from reaching ur destiny. Ppl actually mock grief but be not decieved 4 God is not mocked, what u sew u will reap.[Gal6:7] If ppl knew half of the spiritual warfare witchcraft attacks & demons u survived cuz ur chosen & what u went thru, they would cut off their tongues in shame & bless u & honor u. Speak Holy Spirit. Ppl may only see the appearance & shallowness cuz of what was said behind the scenes by what they perceive but their wise in their own eyes & dont know the depth of the tears God collects seeing the heart that ppl do not see. Im daddy's little girl & he's very protective over me[1Chron16:22] Speak Holy Spirit. Ppl may never know your strength & the warfare & battles u fight silently by taking your position & authority but u show up 4 everyone else or give them a word they so desperately want & need but what they dont see is u getting attacked 4 helping & speaking prophetically. Speak Holy Spirit. But God sees your hard work efforts, obedience, perseverance & sees u still showing up 2 intercede. Speak Holy Spirit Ppl will never know the spiritual warfare that comes from Vashti coming down so Esther will rise & receive her crown, by pulling ppl out of the pit & lifting them off the ground. Speak Holy Spirit. The enemy knows the value in u my friend. Why do u think he fights u so hard 2 not get 2 ur next place of victory & redemption. He wants u dead.[John10:10] The enemy knows your heart is pure & all u wanna do is see love & lead ppl 2 Jesus & heaven & intercede 4 them, moving heaven & earth 4 them but then get accused that u have a motive. Speak Holy Spirit. So hes after u from day 1 cuz have been & always will be a huge target.[1Peter5:8] I dont know who this is 4 baby but God sees what u do in secret 4 Him & his kingdom & it doesn't go unnoticed cuz the more u become like Jesus, the more u hated & resented. But u also blessed cuz of it preserved & protected & the plus side of more u become like Him, Abba daddy will reward u 4 it & u will recieve a crown of life, honor & glory of redemption. 




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