Prophetic Word: Beloved I Know You Can't See The Puzzle Finished Yet But You Dont Need 2 Know How The Puzzle Pieces Will Fit, One Day It Will All Make Sense

 This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the spirit a picture of someone who was throwing puzzle pieces around out of frustration and it looked like a big mess and this person was frustrated. And I heard in the spirit. Beloved you don't know what im doing right now but it will all make sense yet.[John13:7] Beloved you can't see the puzzle finished yet and you don't know how the pieces will fit and just like the puzzle it looks like everything is falling apart but it's actually coming togther with the missing pieces that I will complete yet.[Phillipians1:6] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is this for my friend. You're looking at the pieces that cause frustration when you can't see how it will fit. Speak Holy Spirit. You're looking at the puzzle and you can't see the big picture yet because there's still missing pieces of th puzzle til completion til it makes sense. So you're frustrated because you rely on your flesh instead of walking by faith in the spirit trusting Him.[Proverb3:5-6] Speak Holy Spirit. You want to give up like the vision this person was throwing puzzle pieces around and frustrated because they were 2 impatient in the process. Speak Holy Spirit. Because they were trusting in themselves and relying on their own strength to get through it. Speak Holy Spirit. Because they were frustrated that the puzzle looked like a mess and pieces didn't fit because it didn't make sense. But God knows which pieces of your life go where and how to complete the puzzle 2 completion to get you to your destination.[Jeremiah29:11] Speak Holy Spirit. Trust in Him. I don't know who this is for baby when the Word says it's better to put trust in the Lord than confidence in man,[Psalm118:8]that includes yourself and there's a reason for it. God has supernatural vision. Don't try 2 understand & figure out how the puzzle pieces will fit. It will look like it's falling apart before it comes together yet but God is rearranging the pieces to make them fit [Romans8:28] and bringing the puzzle 2 completion even if you can't see the bigger picture yet. 




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