Prophetic Word: Beloved Let Go Of The Dock Of Grief & Hold Onto Me & I Will Turn Your Mourning Into Dancing & Trade Your Ashes In 4 Beauty
This is for someone my friend. I heard this in the spirit for someone whose going through a battle in secret trying to be strong. And I went into a vision and saw in the spirit a picture of a man holding onto a dock & every time his fingers slipped he grabbed hold of it even tighter again. There is something this man can't let go of and refuses 2 let go of it. This is what I heard in the spirit. Beloved let go of the dock of grief & trust me, take my hand and walk on the water with me & I will give you peace & I will turn your mourning into dancing & trade in your ashes for beauty.[Isaiah61:3] You do not understand now what I'm doing but one day u will see.[John13:7] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is 4 my friend. It's hard 2 let go of the dock of feelings & familiarity & that feels like a part of you is missing in the deep. Speak Holy Spirit. Its hard 2 let go of the dock of grief when you're madly in love & u can't let go cuz your flesh is bleeding so it dominates & u cannot even see spiritually. Speak Holy Spirit. Its hard 2 see through a lense of grief the purpose behind it because your eyes spirtually cannot see. Because your flesh is in the lead thru this adversity but u gotta crucify the flesh & trust Jesus[Proverb3:5-6] because our flesh does not see the perspective spiritually & our flesh likes what feels good not the deep waters of grief.[Phill4:13]Grief is like an amputation & being an amputee. The way you live is not like others & the way you walk Speak Holy Spirit & do things changes completely. You do heal my luuvs but you're never the same. You do heal but you become someone new in the process of giving birth 2 something new from the pain.[Isaiah43:19] You can't stop the contractions push thru it, the closer the birth gets the pain gets intese, u cant stop it, keep pushing thru the grief & watch what comes out of it. I don't know who this is for baby but let go of the dock & hold onto Him instead & do not look at pain or this birth as a curse but look at it as gift because out of it, is born divine purpose.[Isaiah66:9] And God will use it for your promotion & elevation 2 use you 2 become a huge impact on this earth walking with him in love, authority and kingdom dominion.
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