Prophetic Word: Beloved Stay Spirtually Hydrated & Be Not Ignorant Of Satans Devices, Come 2 Me & You'll Never Thirst Again Or Get Dehydrated

 This is for someone my friend. I heard this in the spirit. "Spirtual hydration"And then I went into a vision and saw in the spirit a picture of someone pouring a glass on the island and a Bible was beside it but then she left it to go  start laundry & house work instead and as time went on, I was seeing this clock tick & she lost track of time & the day came 2 an end. She wasn't in prayer & The Bible that was sitting on this same island still hadn't been read. She hadn't even spent time with Jesus. And then I heard in the spirit. Beloved be vigilant & not ignorant of satans devices.[2Cor2:11] he will take advantage so stay spirtually hydrated & Come 2 me and drink from the water I give you beloved and you'll never thirst again or get dehydrated.[John4:14] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is this for my friend. It's better 2 always keep a water bottle with you & take little sips then 2 drink that day only 3 cups and be hydrated, rather than drinking so much water at once and then nothing later on that day and there's no balance. Speak Holy Spirit. Spiritual hydration. It's better 2 read and pray everyday then do it once a week once a month and then you're spiritually sick because you didn't drink your water and hydrate.[1Peter5:8] Speak Holy Spirit. We can't be ignorant of Satan's devices. When you're hungry in the physical you will eat unless you're fasting and usually you can't wait. Your brain will trigger let's eat now when you're hungry and get a drink 2 hydrate. Speak Holy Spirit. And its the same thing in the spirit, when you wait 2 eat daily bread and drink, you will dehydrate, you will start to get miserable in the flesh and weaker by the day. Speak Holy Spirit. Why?? Because it's not natural 2 not eat unless you fast and pray and almost fatal to go without water for days. Speak Holy Spirit. Its like when you're working out with your body at a gym and increasing your existing abs underneath. If you stop working out, those abs will be less pronounced and decrease. Speak Holy Spirit. Because there's no consistency. Speak Holy Spirit. Because it takes dedication and commitment to take care of our bodies. You need to spiritually drink and eat and workout that faith muscle repeatedly. Speak Holy Spirit. Like staying hydrated always and spiritually grab a plate to eat.[Matthew4:4] You gotta be intentional and responsible for self care & your needs. Speak Holy Spirit. You wouldn't keep driving a truck and never check your tires & the oil & not get an oil change. So why would you not eat everyday your daily bread and hydrate. My God speak Holy Spirit. I dont know who this is for baby but drink your water that's sitting on the island & be not ignorant of Satan's devices[2Cor2:11] because if he can pull you away from the living water and you start 2 drink worldy pop or soda instead, it will start with an unhealthy habit and addiction speak Holy Spirit and you will become miserable in the flesh unhealthy and you will get dehydrated instead.



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