Prophetic Word: Beloved U Won't Need 2 Use Any Manipulation Or Seduction 2 Keep Him When Its A Kingdom Relationship Because You Will Always Be His Rib & Bone Of His Bones & Flesh Of His Flesh
This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision & saw in the spirit a little scene of Jafar holding Jasmine in chains hostage forcing her 2 be his queen dressing her in red with witchcraft all seductive serving him & then I saw in the spirit Aladdin using witchcraft 2 turn from homeless into a wealthy prince 2 win the approval of princess Jasmine. & I heard in the spirit this is what happens beloved when you don't cast down imaginations & bring every thought captive in obedience[2Cor10:5] because the heart is deceitful & desperately wicked[Jer17:9] & sorcery is an abomination. Manipulation & seduction 2 keep her/him like Aladdin, Jafar & Jasmine won't be necessary beloved when it's a kingdom relationship because I have specifically designed Eve 4 Adam & he is in love with her because she is bone of his bones & flesh of his flesh.[Gen2:23] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is this 4 my friend. The Battle is in the mind when you're operating from your flesh that is why u need 2 cast down imaginations & bring it captive because the flesh is at war with the spirit because heart is desperately wicked. Speak Holy Spirit. The heart has a mind of its own when it chooses someone they shouldn't be with & then they get burnt because it wasn't the ordained kingdom relationship. Jafar & Aladdin used witchcraft & manipulation & seduction 2 get 2 Jasmine because she's beautiful outward appearance & sends a trigger 2 your brain saying you want it & then you'll do anything 2 get it. Speak Holy Spirit. But when it's a kingdom ordained relationship u won't need 2 use manipulation or seduction [witchcraft] 2 get/keep her/him. Speak Holy Spirit. Adam will recognize his rib. When it's ordained nothing will ever come between them during divine seperation. Your heart belongs 2 her/him. Speak Holy Spirit. You can feel your kingdom spouses energy in the spirit. When they go thru something u feel it When u go thru something they feel it because there is no boundary in the realm of the spirit & you are already married 2 them in the spirit cuz a soul tie 2 your ordained kingdom spouse is a vow and a 3 fold cord isn't easily broken.[Ecc4:12] Speak Holy Spirit. & in God's eyes u already married 2 her/him even if in the physical it hasn't manifested yet, it already has in the spirit. because that's how he saw it when took Adams rib & made Eve 4 him.[Gen2:22]Speak Holy Spirit. But the heart is desperately wicked cuz when it comes 2 desiring flesh most ppl do anything 2 get it even if it means paying a price 4 it but baby if its an ordained kingdom relationship u dont need 2 do use manipulation which is witchcraft & seduction 2 keep her/ him just like how Jaffar did & how Aladdin wanted her 2 fall in love with him 2 win the heart of princess Jazmine because if she is his, her heart will always belong 2 his. Speak Holy Spirit. I don't know who this is 4 baby but if u have 2 use witchcraft or a spell like manipulation 2 keep them or make them fall in love with them than it isn't the true love ordained kingdom relationship because u will be in love with your own rib, & your Adam even during seperation because your heart has always belonged 2 her/ him. When Aladdin & Jasmine met he wasn't a prince yet, she fell 4 him when she first saw him like he did. It was ordained & Aladdin didnt need 2 use manipulation because Jasmine already fell in love with Aladdin the first time they met.
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