Prophetic Word: Beloved You Wouldn't Play Football Without Full Equipment So Make Sure You Got Your Full Armor On 2 Prevent Injuries & Getting Hit

 This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the spirit a football field and 2 players injured sitting on the bench and I heard in the spirit. You wouldn't play a game of football without equipment beloved so why would you start your day without your full armor on when the enemy is looking 2 seek someone 2 devour roaring like a lion.[1Peter5:8] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is this for my friend. You'd be pretty ignorant to go on the field with just regular clothes on expecting to not get hurt by it or injured. Speak Holy Spirit. When you're injured you gotta prioritize your health instead of the game. Its all about faith Because when you're injured or hurt it affects your game. Help me Holy Ghost. And you can no longer perform at high level when you're already injured and at a low place. You gotta turn to Jesus & let him heal that unhealed place so you can get back in the game.[Psapm147:3] You gotta stay hidden and be with Jesus alone in the secret place. I dont know who this is for baby but stay on the bench til you're healed and fully recovered and at rest.[Matthew11:28] Then get back in the game when you're able 2 perform at a high level again. Don't be ignorant of the devils devices[2Cor2:11] and agents, make sure you're fully dressed and got on your full equipment.



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