Prophetic Word: The Enemy's Goal & Plan Is 2 Get U Broken & Defeated Before U Know Your Value In The Kingdom & Purpose Reaching 4 Greatness

 I was going 2 publish this 2mrw but Holy Spirit won't let me wait 4 this. And I won't be able 2 sleep then. This won't leave my spirit & I feel this wave of sadness in someone in the spirit cuz I feel what they feel & very sensitive in the spirit, u know what I mean then it subsided so I know someone needs 2 hear this. That toxic relationship, abusive situation, that betrayl heartbreak, that depression, that separation it is all part of the plan. Yes the enemy is trying 2 destroy you with it [John10:10] because he knows your value in Gods kingdom, but dont let him, rebuke him, stay strong cuz the pit just means elevation yet. God is changing you through it. The devil is already defeated. Hear me by the spirit of God my friend. When you get bullied, attacked in every way shape and form your whole life & go through hell its because the enemy already knows youre peculiar, different and chosen so hes gotta get you broken so you don't reach your greatness.[1Peter2:9] you're going to change the world with the spirit of God within. He already knows what God will do with you more than you do and he's threatened by it. Speak Holy Spirit. You have a purpose.[Ephesians2:10] Ppl only attack what would change the world because they are threatened by your greatness and what is deposited in you is precious and your gifts and your position in God's kingdom and status in the spirit. I don't know who this is for baby but that depression those attacks and spiritual warfare don't come for a reason.[1Peter5:8] of course hd will try to destroy you with it before you birth purpose through it. The devil tried 2 destroy you with it so you don't fulfill God's plan 4 your life and purpose. Speak Holy Spirit. The Devil knows whats in you before you even did no wonder you were fought like david and so many ppl who hated you, jealous, wanted you dead. And he will fight you every step of the way hoping you will not make it cuz you're a threat when you're prophesying growing God's kingdom, healing the broken, encouraging the discouraged, through the Holy Spirit, doing something impactful walking in greatness[Psalm71:21] making history interceding for them in the spirit, changing the world that will bring you before great men[Proverb18:16] and inspire many nations. Stay strong my luuvs, I love you with the love of Jesus.




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