Prophetic Word: The Heart Is Desperately Wicked, Guard Your Heart Beloved 4 Everything You Do Flows From It

 This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the spirit the movie moana the part where maui steals the heart of tafiti the island which represents the earth come on Holy Spirit and than the darkness came upon the earth the fish were dying on the island and it was cursed and then I heard in the spirit the heart is desperately wicked.[Jer17:9]Guard your heart for everything you do flows from it beloved.[Proverb4:23] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is this for my friend. When eve listened 2 the serpent and desired the knowledge for sex the veil was lifted off her eyes and the earth was now cursed fallen and upon it came darkness from sin and disobedience. Speak Holy Spirit And now every person born into the world has the serpent seed nature of sin[Isaiah24:6] which is why you need a new heart speak Holy Spirit and need to be born again thru Jesus 2 be reconciled to the father through Him.[John14:6] Look at Peter denied Christ 3 times again and again. David and Bathsheba had sex and got her pregant, murdered Uriah & deception then married Bathsheba as a widow & got her pregant again with Solomon but the price of David's sin of murder & adultery was high as he spent the rest of his life regretting it because the heart is exceedingly corrupt and wicked. Speak Holy Spirit. Cain jealous of Abel & full of hatred & slew & murdered him because the heart is exceedingly corrupt & wicked. Maui knew that stealing the heart from the island was wrong but the motive was selfish being seen as a hero was the intent & motive because he was abandoned by his parents and rejected speak Holy Spirit because the heart is exceedingly corrupt and wicked. Without the spirit of God dwelling within it is only natural to sin. Get deliverance from rejection It's how the enemy gets in Speak Holy Spirit. I don't know who this is for baby but guard your heart for out of it are the issues of life and everything you do flows from it. because the heart is exceedingly corrupt & desperately wicked.



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