Prophetic Word: If They Want The True Annointing Like U Beloved, They Will Have 2 Be Willing 2 Pay The Price & Count The Cost 4 The Real Prada Bag & Diamond Ring

 This is for someone my luuvlehz. I went into a vision and saw in the spirit. 2 diamond rings and one was authentic and one was fake and then I saw in the spirit someone that was in a mall looking for a high value authentic Gucci & Prada purse or bag but she put it back on the shelf because she wasn't willing 2 pay the price when she saw the price tag. And she didn't buy a knock off either she just left & walked out of the mall that day but she still wanted that bag. and then I heard In the spirit. If they want the true annointing like you beloved they will have 2 count the cost, deny themselves follow me and pick up their cross.[Matthew16:24] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is this for my friend. The annointing is a heavy price to pay like the diamond ring that isn't fake and the authentic Gucci or Prada bag. Speak Holy Spirit. The annointing is not something cheap on the shelf you gotta be willing 2 pay. And many dont want to pay the price because they are not willing lose things and break.[Romans8:6] But the squeezing and breaking and going through hell for the oil is the price tag. My God speak Holy Spirit. The price we paid for the real deal annointing[Phill3:8] of being crushed for the oil and broken is why many ppl are called few are chosen[Matthew22:14] because it costs something 2 give everything up 2 follow Him but the battle is in the mind and flesh. Help me Holy Ghost. You'll pay a price 4 the real deal annointing but many don't want 2 pay it or or afford it so they will make up an annointing like a fake diamond ring and profess 2 be born again but they wear & carry the fake ring & purse but they don't carry the annointing. Speak Holy Spirit. A real Gucci or Prada bag will have knock offs that look the same but it's cheap quality and it will fall apart because it is fake. Speak Holy Spirit. They throw a cheap lable on there 2 convince you that this is better than the authentic Prada bag but deep down you still want that bag [annointing] & want 2 pay the price tag. Whoo!! The authentic Prada bag is higher value because of the quality of how its made speak Holy Spirit even if someone throws dirt on your name and slaps on a lower value price tag. It does not change the value baby of that authentic annointing ring, Gucci or Prada bag. If they want what you have my luuvs, they gotta be willing 2 pay the price tag.



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