Prophetic Word: My Word Is A Lamp Unto Your Feet & Light 2 Your Path Beloved, Don't Go Out In The Dark Backcountry & Wilderness Without It
This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the spirit a picture of a really narrow path and it was really dark out & in the sky were stars and there were these feureur carotene lamps that were all lit. And I heard in the spirit beloved My word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path,[Psalm119:105] & narrow is the way that leads 2 life and only a few find it. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is this for my friend. When you're camping & kayaking at night or walking alone in the backcountry outside, in the forest, you wouldn't go without your equipment & feureur lantern, lamp or flashlight. Speak Holy Spirit. So why would you go on this journey without your lamp, His Word which is a sword that lights your path. Speak Holy Spirit. You would be so distraught and not be able to see your path in the darkness if there is no light shining on it. Speak Holy Spirit. Its supernatural protection from darkness. You would be risking getting attacked by bears, wolves etc In the wilderness. My God speak Holy Spirit. [Matthew10:16] because His Word is a light unto our path. Without it we can't even keep going ahead. We would stop in our tracks cuz its dark and wait 4 light before we take the next step. Speak Holy Spirit. Because our Abba daddy knows whats ahead of us. He orders our steps.[Psalm37:23] He's seen the next season. He's seen the next step. He knows where all the bears and wolves are located in the backcountry the forest, in the wilderness. [1Peter5:8] Speak Holy Spirit. He's protecting you from it but we can't be ignorant and go in the wilderness without our lamp and sword of the spirit in the wilderness. When we go out there in the world stay vigilant. I dont know who this is 4 baby but get your jacket [armor] on [Eph6:12] and take your feureur lamp [Word] sword of the spirit and don't be ignorant of Satan's devices[2Cor2:11] and wolves in the wilderness.
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