Prophetic Word: They That Believe On Me Beloved I Will Not Put 2 Shame, They That Wait Upon The Lord Shall Renew Their Strength

 I don't know who this word is for my friend but I felt a heaviness in my spirit and went into a vision and saw in the spirit an eagle at the top of a mountain waiting just sitting there, getting ready 2 open his wings and go higher above it. It just looked slow motion and majestic. The eagle is incredibly patient represents us as light warriors powerful and undefeated. This eagle was getting ready 2 take off off the mountain And then I heard in the spirit they that wait upon the Lord beloved shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run, and not be weary and they shall walk, and not faint.[Isaiah40:31] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is this for my luuvlehz. This heaviness I felt in the spirit felt like someone was ready to give up while they've prayed cuz they are still waiting 4 things 2 change. But the Lord is holding you by thy right hand and making a way. Speak Holy Spirit. The Lord is mounting you with wings like an eagle and restoring your strength. Speak Holy Spirit. No matter how low of a place. The eagle will soar anyway and never lose patience and faith. Speak Holy Spirit. Because we are conquerors in Christ Jesus [Romans8:37] so keep believing and and you will not get weary or faint. Maybe you've wrestled with some spirtual warfare in the realm of the spirit and your wings feel like they've been clipped or damaged from it[Ephesians6:12] but just hold on a little longer and God will renew your strength. Keep believing on Him cuz he will not put you 2 shame.[Romans10:11] Speak Holy Spirit. I rebuke that heaviness you're feeling and command it to leave you right now in the Name of Jesus. You will always get attacked because you're chosen and different & Attacks will come but it shall not prosper, no formed weapons.[Isaiah 54:17] I don't know who this is for baby but every time you take a hit and fall again you get back up stronger and you don't give in.[Prov24:16-18] You keep going my luuvs & keep waiting on Him because he will mount you up with wings like eagles when you wait and you're patient. He will renew your strength when you're ready 2 give up & restore you when attacks come again.[Psalm103:5] Stay strong my luuvs. I am always interceding 4 you in the spirit. I love you with the love of Jesus.



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