Prophetic Word: When Adam Sees Eve He Will Recognize His Rib, He Will Say She Is Bone Of My Bones & Flesh Of My Flesh

 This word won't be for everyone my friend. It will resonate with your spirit if it is. God will let you know if it is. You will know if this is your season. I heard in the spirit rib & then I heard the time has come beloved 2 soon pull it out of the oven.[Isaiah60:22] Then I heard it again rib except this time I heard prime rib and soon coming 2 completion. A prime rib is cooked slower & longer than other meat cuts. It is a preparation 4 a kingdom marriage ordained relationship. Gen 2:23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is this for my friend. A prime rib is the one rib that takes the longest for preparation & cooking duration in the slow cooker or oven. Speak Holy Spirit. A prime rib cannot be rushed through the cooking process or it will be tough & undercooked and juices won't over flow out of it. Speak Holy Spirit. Ribs take time 2 complete and right now Adam is asleep Eve. You're wondering will he recognize me, yes your kingdom spouse is ordained and when he wakes up, he will see. But at the appointed time God will wake up your Adam when the preparation to meet is complete. Speak Holy Spirit. You dont want God to rush your union cuz they could be golden brown juicy on the outside but inside they still raw being transformed by the renewing of their minds. Come on Holy Spirit!! Baby, ordained relationships are for the Kingdom purposes. And what God puts together let no man put asunder.[Mark10:9] The prime rib is cooked slowly 2 preserve all the blessings & goodness. So much blessings so much annointing the two of you will take the world by storm, soul knit, king and queen one flesh, with the Holy Spirit waging war in the spirit walking in assignments and kingdom dominion. Ecc 4:12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threestrand cord is not quickly broken. So it takes time 2 cook this rib 2 perfection. But watch out for the snakes & serpents in the garden. Adam will be in madly in love recognizing his rib in his spirit. When he saw her he knew she was the one, the one God gave him. When he saw her, he said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. He knew she was his. He knew she was his rib. I don't know who this is 4 baby but Adam would not enjoy his rib 2 the fullness if she wasn't finished yet and pure tender inside, golden cooked 2 perfection, and transformed by the renewing of her mind. Before they meet baby, Adam and Eve gotta be ready & just right.




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