Prophetic Word: Beloved If You Don't Uproot The Thistles & Weeds, Those Thoughts Will Keep Coming Back Invasively & Won't Wanna Leave
This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit a person trying to uproot weeds and thistles in the garden but they were struggling because the roots were so deep and grounded in and they just kept growing taller and taller because the root was still in and then I heard in the spirit this is why you cast down imaginations and every thought that exalts itself beloved because if not then those thoughts grow like weeds in the garden and the roots become deeper & harder 2 get rid of them.[2Cor10:5] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. What you think about becomes a seed and the more you think about it it grows and establishes roots that get deep speak Holy Spirit and the more it grows you act on it and it becomes a reality that's why we need to cast down imaginations and every thought that exalts itself sent by the enemy [1Peter5:8] because our flesh is weak. My God speak Holy Spirit. And then what you think you say because your thoughts influence how you feel and how you behave speak Holy Spirit what you say is a seed because your tongue has the power of life and death[Proverb18:21]and what you sow, you shall reap.[Galations6:7] speak Holy Spirit so be careful what you feed your mind daily because they grow roots and the more you feed on those thoughts the harder it is to uproot it because those roots are now deep cuz u keep watering them giving them more energy. And pulling them incorrectly may leave a portion of the root behind, which will re-sprout in time. Help me Holy Ghost and now those thoughts return like the seeds that reproduce from the thistles when they germinate and populate speak Holy Spirit and now those thoughts become invasive like weeds that should be uprooted right away.[James4:7] Speak Holy Spirit Once seeds land in your lawn or garden and germinate, they send out spreading roots [rhizomes], which can extend up to 20 feet away. I don't know who this is for baby but if you have a garden of weeds that is reproducing more seed because you didnt uproot the roots that were deep, then those thoughts will exalt itself because they will grow and and like thistles and weeds they will get invasive and will keep coming back because they don't wanna leave.
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