Prophetic Word: Beloved It Is A Blessing 2 Be Overlooked & Rejected By Man, Because I Look At The Heart & Like David I Chose Him & Annointed & Favored Him
This is for someone my friend. Someone really needs this. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit a group of 4 girls and one was excluded, they were walking down the sidewalk near an icecream shack and ditched the one girl and took off and she was rejected. And then I heard in the spirit beloved It is a blessing 2 be rejected by man, because I look at the heart and favor them.[Psalm5:12] Thanku Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking talking 2 beloved. Jesse gathered his boys 2 meet Samuel the prophet but left David in the fields, didn't even tell him, totally abandoned and rejected him and then Samuel sends for him.[1Samuel16:11] Speak Holy Spirit. Maybe you have family relatives or ppl or enemies who hate you and dismiss you as little David speak Holy Spirit but God chooses him instead of Eliab speak Holy Spirit because God looks at the heart and man looks at appearance.[1Samuel16:7] Speak Holy Spirit maybe you're over looked because you look nothing like the position God has called you 2 or the most unlikely 2 them because of a past they secretly hang over your head[1John2:9] but pretend they got over it my God Speak Holy Spirit but it's already forgotten in the sea of God's forgetfulness and the devil's got nothing on you beloved. Speak Holy Spirit When you're rejected by man it shows whats in them because God hides your value from them and it is divine protection.[1Chron16:22] And you deserve 2 be chosen how God chose you instead of the girl's that left you rejected. Speak Holy Spirit You deserve kingdom relationships and nothing less. Speak Holy Spirit. Rejection is nothing more than validation that that one is special 2 God and will be used greatly for his kingdom because God wants the ones that ppl wouldn't pick and he qualifies the called for his glory & greatness.[Romans8:30] Speak Holy Spirit like little David taking on the giant when no one else did. Whoo!! I don't know who this is for baby but rejection means big destiny cuz God's favor will open doors no man can that nothing else can. Favor gets you to places that labor, work and hustling never can, and like david you are annointed queen priest king in the earth and you should never take rejection than anything but divine protection because you wouldn't want anyone toxic in your life if they are immature & haven't grown in stature and wisdom and don't see your worth in their life and God's kingdom. No baby pray 4 your enemies, let them scatter[Psalm68:1] & love them from a distance but keep your crown on Esther & keep rising cuz ppl like that who want you 2 fall like Haman aren't worthy 2 be in your presence and they will fall instead.
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