Prophetic Word: Beloved When You Walk Into Walls Or A Fridge & You Trip And Fall Again, Get Back Up Beloved 4 A Just Man Falls 7 Times & Rises Again

 This is for someone my friend. I Have no idea who this word is for but Holy Spirit is advocating cuz someone really needs this. You know how you open up a fridge door and swings wide open, well somehow I thought I closed it and I walked right into it. Lol yes I'm a clutz and then 5 seconds later tripped backwards over the stool by the island and I laughed and then minutes after that I dropped a brick of cheese and a lid. and then I heard in the realm of the spirit Someone is distracted beloved. So there is someone out there reading this that is so distracted its like walking into walls, or a fridge and then trips and dropping cheese & lids. And then I heard it again in the realm of the spirit someone is distracted beloved. Focus on me and you won't trip and fall from distractions. For a just man falls 7 times beloved and rises again.[Proverb24:16] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Yes you fell last season but its time 2 get back up again. Yes you are distracted but it's time 2 focus on the prize and win.[Phill3:14] Going from glory into a new season. Speak Holy Spirit. Because we already have even if it doesnt feel like it. Speak Holy Spirit When you fall 7 times you get back up wipe the dirt off and rise again. You don't let the enemy have a foothold over you and tell you that you can't. The Greek word for foothold is topos which means any portion of space marked off or an opportunity, power for acting or occasion for acting. Speak Holy Spirit. Baby get up, step on the enemy's neck and try again. Get your crown back on with that fierce confidence. Whoo!! [1Peter2:9] You can do it. You have the spirit of God dwelling within. Baby you've come so far you can't quit. Speak Holy Spirit through many danger toils snares & traps the enemy has tried[John10:10] 2 take you down with, look how far you've come beloved.[Romans8:36] Im going into a vision and I see a man running a race and crowds screaming & cheering cuz this man's so close 2 the finish line before him.[Phill3:14] Speak Holy Spirit. I don't know who this is for baby but A righteous may fall 7 times but he rises again. Don't get distracted my luuvs focus on the finish line cuz you've already won even if it doesn't feel like it.




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