Prophetic Word: Dont Worry About 2mrw Or What Is Nexted, Focus On The Step In Front Of You Beloved

 This is for someone my friend. I heard in the spirit do not worry about 2mrw beloved, For 2mrw will worry about itself [Matthew 6:34] and you can do all things through Me which strengthenth you beloved.[Phill4:13] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Worrying is like sitting in a rocking and going nowhere with it. Worrying is a tactic the enemy uses 2 destroy you with it because he operates in the spirit of fear beloved.[2Timothy1:7] Speak Holy Spirit. Do not worry about 2mrw my luuvs there will always be problems in life and trials but the real question is how are you handling it. What is your reaction like 2 the problems. Are you leaning on his strength or are you leaning on yours instead.[2Cor12:9] Are you going back n forth like a rocking chair worrying about what's next when it's unnecessary because God's grace is sufficient and we are under his divine protection.[Psalm91:11] Speak Holy Spirit. So what are you worried about when God has already gone into your future and already seen what is next. He's teaching you through those harder seasons to trust & be dependent only on him. He's making a way through every problem and ordering your steps. [Psalm37:23] Speak Holy Spirit. I don't know who this is for baby but don't even worry about 2mrw or what is nexted, just focus on the step in front of you because his strength is made perfect in weakness.




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