Prophetic Word: In Your Weakness The Enemy Waits Like The Seagull Tempting U With Chicken Strips, Submit 2 God, Resist The Devil & He Shall Flee Beloved

 This is for someone my friend. I saw a seagull and he was eyeing my chicken strips waiting 4 me 2 feed him. And he wouldn't stop waiting for this chicken. This bird just stood there til I did and then he left. I love animals so I was talking 2 him. And then I heard in the spirit that's what the enemy does beloved. He waits like a seagull near the water & sand and hides in the grass & tempts you with chicken strips.[1Peter5:8] like dangling a carrot in front of a rabbit. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. The enemy will wait until you're in your weakness thats why you stay in the spirit where you get your strength 2 resist his temptations. Speak Holy Spirit. The devil is a like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour waiting in the grass like a seagull waiting on the sand til they get the chicken strips. Speak Holy Spirit 4 our weapons 4 warfare are not carnal[2Cor10:4] it's always spiritual and Satan tempts the flesh & will use ppl and enter in.[John13:27] Speak Holy Spirit. The seagull would not leave cuz he was eyeing it, like the serpent wouldn't til he got his way talking and tempting Eve in the garden of Eden. The devil will play mind games with your head because he knows how weak the flesh is & how the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked.[Jer17:9] Speak Holy Spirit. Because he knows when you don't feed your spirit you become weak in your flesh. And he waits 4 it. He waits 4 your weakness & then comes again, so crucify your flesh, always stay in the spirit. Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness speak Holy Spirit but the devil gave up and left. I don't know who this is 4 baby but if the enemy is dangling a carrot in front of a rabbit, resist it rebuke it and leave like the seagull did because if you submit 2 God, resist the devil [James4:7] he shall flee beloved. 




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